2 darn hot

2 darn hot took climate change to the streets of Adelaide during November 2015.

Human activity is changing the climates on our planet. We are already seeing the effects - global temperature rise of around 0.9 Celsius, polar ice sheet loss, coral bleaching and sea level rise, to name but a few.

World leaders met in Paris to talk climate. With bold leadership from them, action from all and renewed hope we can avoid dangerous climate change.

2 darn hot invited the people of Adelaide to join in on this conversation. At pedestrian crossings across town there were personal stories of those already affected by climate change and those of people across Australia doing their bit to help. There was also practical ways each of us can live a more greenhouse friendly lifestyle.

There was also street sticker installations at Station Arcade and near Westpac House, Grenfell Centre and Telstra House.

Visit the web siteFacebook and Instagram.

2 darn hot was presented by Aiyudot Khom, with support from the Conservation Council of South Australia.